Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Finally, a CN Recap!

Sorry for the delay, I've had a couple busy days, but here we go with the massive CN Tower Day picture post!

These chairs are in front of a shawarma place I've been wanting to go to, but recently found out is closed. That's okay, there are about a thousand others around the city left to try. It's one of those food types you don't hear about in Jacksonville, but are all over the darn place here in Toronto. Another one: Korean BBQ. Nine times out of ten when you see "BBQ" on a sign, it means Korean food. What a change from Florida!

A path through Queen's park that has been almost totally snowed in. Sometimes it's better to walk off the path on the snow, because you're less likely to slip on the sometimes icy path.

Some statues embedded in the Canadiana Gallery, a building that's part of the University of Toronto and is also on the way to the CN Tower. Chris suspects that this building exists solely to be the location of terribly inconvenient midterm exams.

A curvey building on the way to the CN Tower.

I really like this building we saw as we walked to the CN Tower. It's pretty! Maybe my camera battery would have lasted longer if I hadn't taken a hundred pictures on the way there. Oh well!

Another fancy building, this one with three distinct styles. I had to scamper right after taking pictures, because a security guard with an "I mean business" face started walking my way when I took this picture. Chill out, bro!

The meal from the restaurant! The boyfriend and I shared this, so the total calories for the sandwich and fries was only 760. Yes, that's a lot (half my calories for the day!), but we shared the sandwich and fries, drank water, did our EASA2 workout that night, and walked two and a half miles to and then from the CN Tower. Overall, it was one of those fun splurges I don't really regret at all. You have to live a little, and I think keeping about 90% on the plan is a way to make it work. I'll keep you posted on how I feel about that when I weigh in tomorrow!

The light thingy (aperature?) on my digital camera hates vast expanses of snow or sky. Seriously, a lot of white or even light colors really gets my camera in an uncooperative mood. I've since learned how to deal with it through a method I call "holding my finger in front of the camera until the second before I take the shot," but this was one of the pics I shot before I came up with that. It looks an awful lot spookier than it really is, but I kind of like it all menacing like this.

But this is what the CN Tower really looked like on Saturday. Did I mention it's TALL?

Well, did I? The stripey part there is the elevator shaft, where a bank of elevators zip visitors up and down. They're partially glass, which is great, if slightly terrifying.

We made it inside and are posing with a replica! That or we're outside and about to fight Godzilla, one of the two.

The Mountie moose! Apparently Toronto has fancily-decorated moose around the city just like Jacksonville has our manatees. This one was inside the Tower as we headed toward the elevators.

Annnnnd, we're up! This is the first shot I took once we arrived at the Observation Deck, and all that crazy white stuff isn't snow, it's ice from the frozen Lake Ontario. The lines in all that mess are from ice breakers used to keep the ferry running between the Toronto Islands to the mainland. Cars aren't allowed there, and there's no grocery store there, so keeping the ferry running is pretty darn critical.

Pretty buildings viewed from above!

We can see our house from here! I couldn't find us if you gave me a map and binoculars, but Chris says that, if you follow the trail of smoke, we're in the clump of white-gray buildings, in the middle. To the left of the big black building. See it? Good, because I don't!

More of buildings and the city and prettiness!

That's me, in front of a window, through which I swear is the city, but the camera was being characteristically difficult, and this is what you get.

That's more like it! Let's dwell on the spectacular achievement of human will, imagination, and engineering that made this great picture possible. Namely, let's focus on how smartly my headband goes with that hoodie. It's a triumph.

I'm standing with the world's tallest mail box as well as a commemorative oversized Barenaked Ladies stamp.

And then we headed to the glass floor and took the picture from the other day with my feet and the horrifying look all the way to the ground, rode the elevator down, and checked out the gift shop. We decided to take the PATH part of the way back home, and had a lot of fun and only got lost about three times.

Most of the PATH is underground, but the first part next to the CN Tower is above ground - and so pretty! We ended up going through this part, the Skywalk, then Union Station, then a number of big downtown buildings and even through a mall. It was interesting, and something I never see, as it's always just seemed so strange and daunting to figure out. It wasn't so bad with Chris to help navigate, though, and when we came out of it, it was snowing.

This was a really great day, and I'm excited to share it with you. Sorry that I didn't get more or better pictures, but hopefully you like what you see. Thanks for reading!

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