Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Bata Shoe Museum

On Thursday we went to the Bata Shoe Museum, which was pay-what-you-can. It was pretty dark in there, and everything was behind glass, so a lot of the pictures are kind of so-so. It was interesting and really unusual, though, so I'd recommend it to anyone, particularly if they can go on cheapie night!

Platform shoes from...India? I don't remember.

Big snazzy knight shoes.

Beautiful koi shoes.
Chestnut hulling shoes!

Fantastic wooden clogs with reverse footprints carved into them to fool trackers.

The shoes from the Barenaked Ladies at the Shoe Museum's Juno Awards display.

Trying to follow a video explaining knitting in the sock room. Failing.

Pretending to eat strings with knitting needle chopsticks. That's more like it.

There was a sock puppet theater. No clue why the bunny was there.

The best shoes ever, and hose.

There was a whole room for Native American shoes, separated by region.

Shoes from Southeast tribes.

I loved this informative drawer showing what plants the Navajos used to dye their clothes.

There was a final room for historic and contemporary art featuring shoes as well as shoes turned into art.

One of the pictures from the exhibit, and a great picture with which to end this post.

Thanks for reading! Weird museums are officially pretty great.

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