Sorry for the sparce updates, I've been packing and panicking. I'm so nervous and excited and I've really only been freaking out about 15% of the time, so that's not bad. Today's my last full day here, actually. It's hard to believe it's been six months and not something like a year or more.
I've read that the more unusual experiences one has, the longer time seems to pass. The more repetitive the events that fill a certain time, the quicker that time seems to pass. It seems inevitable that when I go home I'll have all kinds of new experiences waiting for me, but I want to also make a point of doing some unusual things to keep things interesting. Acting like a tourist in my hometown, that sort of thing. Honestly, why haven't I gone on a free Budweiser brewery tour?
I'm nervous about going home to a sick dad. I'm nervous about not being able to forget what's happening, not to be able to turn on the TV and forget that, oh man, Dad is really sick. I guess all that will help with that anxiety is to realize that Mom and Dad have been doing that for months now. And just chilling out and making the best of it.
I don't worry about leaving Chris. I feel sad about it, but I don't worry. I know I can make it and I know he can, too. We've got Skype, email, and even this blog through which to keep in touch. He told me that not waking up next to me every day would help him, would remind him what he's working for while he's at the office plugging away. I won't be here to tempt him to work half days or work from home, which usually includes a lot of video games. I'm not saying this happened a lot, but it did happen, it sometimes did.
I'm looking forward to being somewhere warm, to reading all the comic books I've downloaded, to seeing my sister and my niece and my other pups and my parents again. I'm really looking forward to working and being with LOTS of people some days, instead of just Chris and his family and a bunch of strangers on the street. I'm looking forward to trying to make my family's eating habits healthier, but I'm pretty nervous about falling back into bad habits, so it's important that I keep weighing in and logging my food/exercise here. I'm looking forward to swimming in the ocean and wearing flip flops outside and seeing George Winterling in his garden. He still does that, right?
I've got the green bag I'll be checking (for $25, thanks a lot Delta) packed, my carry-on packed, and couple other piles of things hanging around. There's a Goodwill pile and a pile to be mailed to me and another one that I'll see again when Chris and I are living together again. Big Bear's going to have to be mailed, by the looks of it, which is a little nerve-wracking. If something happens to that package I just might bring down some righteous justice upon anyone who might have LOOKED at the box. But other than that, I'm fine.
There's a Krystal and a Chick-fil-A at the Atlanta airport where I'll have my layover, both fast food places they don't have up here, so I know I'll be having one of those. Probably Krystal. I'm sure if my flight were on a Sunday all I'd want would be waffle fries and chicken fingers. I've got two hours between arriving and leaving Atlanta if all goes according to plan.
Chris and I had Chinese food this evening (this week's food has been okay but not great) and then went on a walk around the city. We got me one last doughnut at Tim Horton's and then headed home, talking about all the different places we'd been and things that we'd done. It's been a good six months. I'm ready to go home, though, it's just a big transition is all.
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