Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Usiversary!

Having a picnic on Ward Island.
Chris and I had our one year anniversary yesterday, which was fantastic. A year ago yesterday we realized we'd found what we'd been looking for, we didn't have to worry any more. He'd always been funny, more than anyone else, he'd always been frighteningly smart, and he'd always been cute, at least since he friended me on Facebook and I got to see his face, but only a year ago did we realize we were supposed to be together.

In front of our apartment, some of us better dressed for the weather than others.

What can I say? It's all been great. He's a sweetheart and he makes me so proud to be his one. He loves me and I love him, and almost as importantly, he loves Monte, who adores and respects him. His family is so sweet and fun, and he likes mine a lot, too.

Us at Damien's murder mystery party. Chris was a sheik and I was a Hollywood starlet!

He's just a great guy. I have a hard time believing I deserve someone as sweet, funny, thoughtful, strong, and loving as him. He assures me every morning, noon, and night that I do. I don't think there's a luckier girl in the world than this one right here.

Riding the subway, like bosses.

What can I say? I like having a guy I don't have to make excuses for, to myself or to anyone else. Explaining that, "He's not always like that," or, "I promise he's much nicer in person/online/on Tuesdays," isn't my idea of a good time. He's good. Wonderful, even. And more than that, he's consistently good. He's a rock of goodness, but not in a cookie cutter way. He's him. And that means a wicked sense of humor, a concern for the well-being of others, and a drive to set and accomplish his goals that I really admire. He's great. Just great. And he's been mine for a year.

In  front of his family's house.

We know we have longer ahead of us, as long as anyone gets. We're going to keep working for ourselves, each other, and this love. I know it's cheesy. I'm okay with that. Because this is worth it. Happy anniversary to me and this guy right here, it's certainly the first of many.


Meghan said...

I'm so happy for you guys. You're sweet and smart and hilarious and amazing, and I'm so glad you're together. Congratufuckinglations! :D

iamninjabuni said...

You guys are adorable! Congrats!

Whitney said...

Thanks, ladies! It's been a great year!