These two pictures are of the spectacular ceiling in the old part of the ROM. The colors are even more brilliant in real life, our camera couldn't catch it all. |
A lamp from a Victorian room that looks like it's wearing a skirt. |
Sorry for the blurry picture, but I love this fish. It's one of the two coffins the museum had from Ghana. The other one was in the shape of a Mercedes Benz. |
I really like this art from the Gond tribe of central India. The colors and shapes are fantastic! |
A lion from the palace of Nebuchadnezzer in Babylon. |
Outside of the gift shop, Chris and I sat down for a minute in these snazzy geometric chairs. |
Above us swam the ancient turtle. |
It was a fantastic trip and I feel like we probably only saw half of what was available to us, nevermind really taking our time with the exhibits. The great thing about the ROM is how if you're a parent, you can come with two or more children with totally different interests and find lots of things for everyone to enjoy.
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