Thursday, June 2, 2011

Looking Back on My Weight Loss

When I started losing weight for this blog, I'd already lost some weight. At my heaviest, I was 212 pounds. I lost a dozen pounds and then participated in a Biggest Loser-style fitness competition with some friends, then lost 15 more. My weight went up a bit and down a bit and then I found huge huge success through a combination of three things: weekly weigh ins, tracking my calories, and increased physical activity.

After a few weeks of this, I settled into a rhythm and have lost more weight more consistently and with less effort than I expected. Oh, there's effort, but it's less than I thought there'd be, especially after a few months, when I knew the basics and just had to stick to them.

The fact is that counting my calories allows me to see exactly what I'm eating, and has opened my eyes to what foods break the bank and what foods are calorie bargains. Even if I stopped counting calories today (which I won't!), I'd be better prepared to cook for myself and go to restaurants because I have a much more accurate picture of just what I'm consuming.

As for this blog, while I haven't always been as diligent as I'd like in updating every week, it has been a persistent reminder. I publicly committed to losing weight and checking in every week until I reach my deadline or my goal, and it pops into my head every day.

When it comes to being more active, that's something I've tackled intermittently and without the routine or dedication I've given logging my food or even updating this blog. It's something I've gotten away with neglecting, but I suspect these last ten pounds I want to lose won't come off without increased physical activity on my part. Yes, I walk around at work, but I really want to incorporate in some strength and more intense cardio. Also I really liked yoga. Between my personal tendency toward spontaneity and my irregular work schedule, I haven't had a lot of success nailing down an exercise routine. This week I hope to improve that.

So that's my not very secret secret. Food, exercise, goal setting, goal sharing, and record keeping. I've got a ways to go, but I've come so far. I'm really, really proud of my success and hope for anyone who wants to accomplish this to actually do it. Certain parts are easier than I expected, like tracking my food (a food scale and measuring cups sure help!) and certain parts are harder (like making myself work out). It's all attainable, though, and you do get partial credit, so don't think you have to be perfect from the get go. I wasn't and I'm still not, and look what I've accomplished!


esta is kifter said...

You've certainly come a long way and that's the biggest sign of a winner. I'm proud that you've stayed with it and haven't given up. That makes you like 110 times more strong-willed than most people!

Chris said...

You make me proud to be your boy ^_^

Courtney said...

You're pretty much the shiz. That is all.

Meghan Dornbrock said...

You have kicked SO MUCH ASS, and you've helped me learn some new things too. Way to go, ladyface! You're AMAZING.

Whitney said...

Thank you everybody! I'm really proud of what I've accomplished, and I'm learning to be less modest, especially in the pursuit of fitness, 'cause then people get excited with you and inspired by you and it's just great.

Oh man. I've done something so cool, and I have such awesomely supportive loved ones right there with me. Yes!