Thursday, June 2, 2011

Weigh-In: Week #19

Hey look, a weigh-in!

AND I'M IN THE 150'S! Solidly in the 150's, even! This week I'm weighing in at 155.2, which is 5.6 pounds less than my weight three weeks ago and 31.2 pounds down from when I started this challenge back in January. That works out to a loss of 1.6 pounds a week, which is right on the target I set for myself back when I started. Only 9.2 pounds left until I hit my goal!

It's too much to calculate just how many calories I've eaten/burned these three weeks, so I'll just say that I'm eating a few more restaurant calories than I'd hoped from work but that I've been good at only drinking water when on the job. I am going to make an effort to get back into the gym this week since I haven't seen if in a few weeks and I have a pretty light work schedule.

Look out for another post today about fitness, but it's more about the whole journey than just these few weeks, so I decided to separate the two for ease of reading.

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