Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lazy Tasty Dinner

Today was a great day for me, because I got to watch another Disney Cruiseline show with Cat, this time from a different cast. It was adorable, and I loved it. Afterward I came home and was pretty wiped from walking so much today in addition to my return to working out last night with jogging, jump rope, and strength training. I didn't want to have to stand over a stove, so I thought about what food we had and came up with a filling, delicious meal that didn't involve much standing on my poor feet, particularly at the beginning.

Dinner a la Whit:

  • Cook some brown rice according to the directions. I cooked about four servings so we'd have leftovers. This takes around 45 minutes.
  • Throw a tiny bit of olive oil on a frying pan that's on medium heat. Once the oil heats up, put in a couple handfuls of spinach. For two servings, I used two cups of spinach, because it cooks way down. After pushing the whole thing around a bit to get the spinach mixed in with the oil, pop a lid on the pan and let is cook for a few minutes. After a bit, just set it on a burner that has no heat or a pot holder or a trivet or something. The spinach is going to be between two hot things, so letting it cool is no big deal. You could reverse the order of this and the next step, or do them simultaneously. I'm not that coordinated, though, so I did this.
  • Put two frozen turkey burgers on a frying pan and cook them according to the instructions on the box.
  • Throw a slice of processed cheese (that's American cheese if you're in the States) on the turkey burger, or put some grated cheese on top. This is optional, but Chris and I love cheese, and it helps add some flavor to the dish.
  • Grab a bowl and layer brown rice, spinach, and your burger on top. Cut up the burger and mix it all together and eat it. 
  • Be happy forever.
It's not cooking as much as it is warming and assembling, but it's simple and easy, and the first thirty minutes, I sat on the couch. The turkey burgers we eat are 220 calories, though you could probably save some calories with home-made turkey burgers, or just browned turkey. That sacrifices some of the laziness I liked about the dish, though, so make your choices as you see fit.

The whole thing rings in at 435 calories if you use a teaspoon of olive oil (on the spinach), a cup of spinach, my particular brand of turkey burger, a thin slice of regular fat processed cheese, and half a cup of brown rice. Actually measure the rice, by the way, no eyeballing. I'm plenty full after that dinner, even though it wasn't very many calories. It's simple, tasty, and something different, and I love that I have a meat (premade frozen turkey burger patties) that I don't have to worry about thawing out, so it's always available when I'm not sure what to throw together for dinner.

Alright, time for me to work out. I hope everyone's making good choices, no matter what their goals, and getting up every time they're knocked down. We can do this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That beats the hotdog your mother made me for dinner last night. Dad