Okay, she'd argue that she "rescued" the bird, but she accomplished that by throwing a jacket on top of it and then taking it home in a basket, which sounds more like abduction than aid. Then again, I'd better watch what I say or I'll find out how she rescued me from a park one day, and surely my real mother wasn't any good or she would have kept a better eye on me.
The bird doesn't have a real name yet, though Mom and Dad insist on calling him Pretty Bird. So cliche, guys. |
That evening, Mom and I picked up all kinds of bird stuff from Pet Supermarket, from this snazzy cage to food, millet, and bizarre bird-specific minerals. Since then we've been enjoying him daily as he sings along to the horn section on our Joe Cocker CDs, squawks whenever he hears rustling paper or running water, and the occasionally launches into a poorly planned flight around the house. Apparently you have to train them to trust you and jump on your finger before you let them take off. That was my mistake. At least we turned off the ceiling fans!
We rescued him...and then put him behind bars. |
Any day now she'll start rescuing children from gypsies!
Your mom is a hero!!
@Chris: But we don't have a barn!
@Anonymous: I know! I tease her, but she's always wanted a bird and she was really intent on finding out just what she had to buy/do to be a good bird owner, so I know this parakeet is in good hands with her.
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