This has been a challenging week.
About a week ago, I got my schedule from work and found I'd be working 16 hours total for the next two weeks, something that is going to make money pretty darn tight for a bit here. Then I got pink eye, which I get more than any adult on the planet who isn't a parent or teacher. That made me have to call off one of my days at work, so I'm actually going to be working 13.5 hours these two weeks. Thankfully, Mom and Dad bought me some Similasan drops that really helped a lot. When I woke up today and could see out of both of my eyes, I knew things had turned a corner for the better. I was wrong.
My computer fell on the floor and, though it starts up just fine and makes the happy little Windows noise, there is nothing on my screen. It's black. I am so sad. I'm able to hook it up to the monitor of our desktop, so my data is accessible, I'm just going to have to wait a while before I can have it fixed. In the meantime, I'm going to be organizing and backing up my files onto my Mediafire account just in case the computer gives up the good fight (it had better not), so I don't lose all my pictures, ebooks, etc.
So. Not awesome. It's going to be alright, though. First of all, Dad's numbers were so good that he didn't have to have chemo on Monday, so they put it off for another week. Second, I managed to clean out my room and closet and they both look SPECTACULAR. Seriously, we're not talking about HGTV's Design Star here, but it's functional and clean and I have lots of room to move around and be happy. Third, I'm back on the fitness track. I'm logging my eating, making good choices (mostly!) and just trying to be aware of the impact my decisions have on the bottom line, or my weight. Finally, I'm enrolled in college! I'm going to raise my GPA! My classes are paid for and I can bargain hunt online for books and everything, just everything, is going to be great. It really is.
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