I'm all registered for my three classes this semester. They're all classes I've taken before (and done exceedingly poorly on), so my taking them now will knock their low final grades out of my GPA and replace them with what will surely be a trio of A+++'s. The previous grades will remain on my transcript, but a consistent record of good grades past a certain point should be better than these same good and bad grades scattered throughout my academic record, you know? It will suggest I've turned a corner, and I have.
I'm really lucky to have the Florida PrePaid credits my parents paid for for me when I was a kid available for me now. I still have to pay fees (about $30 per class) and for my books, but having these really puts getting an AA in the next year or so within reach for me instead of only being able to afford one class per semester.
I've built a pretty good schedule where I go to school from 9:30 to 2:15 Mondays and Wednesdays, so that only makes me unable to do two shifts a week at work, so I should have the same volume of hours available to me once school begins. Three classes was the maximum suggested for students who work around 20 hours, and most weeks at the restaurant haven't even approached that amount of work lately.
This is something YOU can do and now is a perfect time. Nothing in this world would be more perfect for you!
Thank you very much! I'm really excited and hopeful.
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